Leading Ladies

Leading Ladies


Five Things About Marina Abramovic:

1. She attended college at the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade and received her post graduate work at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in Croatia in 1972. She taught at the university in Nova Sad, while working on her first solo performance. 

2.  After she escaped Belgrade at 29 years old, she knitted sweaters for a living.

3. The Artist is Present ran from March 14 to May 31, 2010. The Museum of Modern Art held a major retrospective and performance creation of Marina's work, it was the biggest exhibition of performance art in MoMA's history. During the run of this exhibition, Marina performed a 736 hour and 30 minute static, silent piece in which she sat immobile in the museum's atrium while spectators were invited to take turns sitting opposite her.

4. She played Russian Roulette with her mother's pistol when she was only fourteen years old.

5.  She inspired an art performance for an episode of Sex and the City. Carrie Bradshaw meets Aleksandr Petrovsky at an art gallery opening, the performance artist is sleeping in a gallery without food or water. It was inspired by a piece where Abramovic did the same at Sean Kelly Gallery titled The House with the Ocean View. 

(her site and site)

Class Act

Class Act

The New Home

The New Home