A Quick Trip

A Quick Trip


A few weeks ago I took a mini vacation (really just an extended weekend) up to the bay area to meet my new little nephew and visit with my brother and sister-in-law. It was three days of my mind being at ease. I enjoyed myself with a glass or two of wine and catching up with family while also giving a million and one kisses to my nephew. As a first time aunt, I fell completely in love with my brother's little mini me (no seriously, the baby looks exactly like my brother when he was a baby) and now I only wish I lived closer so I could see him on a weekly basis. 

A weekend of lounging, relaxing, and roaming around San Mateo and Sonoma, it was exactly the kind of weekend I needed. My brother and sister-in-law surprised me with a trip to wine country (I have never gone wine tasting until now) and I couldn't have been more in heaven, minus the part where I had no idea what I was doing. There was a lot of nodding and pretending like I knew more about wine than I actually did. Also making a note to watch the documentary, Somm. I'm curious, if you're into vineyards what are your recommendations for wine tastings? 

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Things I'm Into This Week

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