Weekend Wrap Up

Weekend Wrap Up

It’s been a whirlwind of a year, especially these last few months.

After almost an entire year of interviews and second interviews and rejections and lots of crying, I finally landed a job (outside of public libraries) and became an archivist. Which to be honest has been the ultimate goal since I graduated from grad school six years ago. Lots of travel opportunities happened right away and then it came down to the final few weeks leading up to the wedding which was extremely stressful, but everything worked out and we had the most magical wedding. It was literally perfect and everything I dreamed of.

A few weeks later D and I decided to move and found a condo, got approved quickly and moved out by the end of the year. I think the thirty boxes of books did it in for us, because once we started unboxing the books in the new place, we got rid of at least another hundred books. But now we’re settling in, trying to teach our little scaredy cat to go down the stairs and make our new space homey and cozy.

New Year's Morning Quotations

New Year's Morning Quotations

Dreaming of Connecticut

Dreaming of Connecticut