Movie House Tours: Old Parrish Mansion

Movie House Tours: Old Parrish Mansion

Summer has always made me nostalgic. Nostalgic for long, hot blistering days spent at the pool eating popsicles, going to the public library with my grandma, and spending the afternoon at a friends ordering pizza and watching movies. This summer, I’ve been revisiting a lot of older movies from my childhood and just a few days go I watched “Jumanji,” the 1995 version with Robin Williams. There’s so many things I love about this movie! A cursed board game, Robin Williams, Bonnie Hunt and Kirsten Dunst, a small New England town and the house, I love the old Parrish Mansion! I’m a sucker for a New England setting, the quaint and charming towns, the architecture is so magnificent and obviously the cozy vibes. I really fell in love with New England living when I started watching Gilmore Girls in middle school.

Let’s get back to the house. The grandeur façade, the beautiful front door, the second story balcony, the beautiful grand entrance, the incredible floor to ceiling library that the stampede destroys, the decadent seating room, that pretty insane spiral staircase and although the attic is creepy to the max, I’ve always wanted an attic. I live in California, where most homes don’t have attics or basements. I would have loved to have gotten a closer look at the master bedroom and the kid’s bedrooms but obviously those rooms weren’t relevant to the plot of the movie.

Do you pay attention to the homes or buildings when watching a movie/tv show? I’m excited to start a series dedicated to all the houses I’ve loved from the movies.

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