Boring Girl Summer

Boring Girl Summer

I don’t really have plans for the summer especially since David and I will be traveling to Europe later this fall for our honeymoon. I’m so looking forward to hitting the pool, summer pasta dinners, Friday movie nights and lots of reading. I subscribe to several writer’s newsletter and this post about Boring Girl Summers really spoke to me. Join me for a boring girl summer!

How to have a Boring Girl Summer by Lauren Marie

Forget about your phone. Find it floating around the junk drawer in the kitchen three days later when you go to look for matches.

Arrive at the farmers market thirty minutes early to chat with your neighbours and take home the best heirloom tomatoes in town.

Spend all day preparing a meal. Make it completely from scratch. Touch, smell, taste, and visually admire each ingredient.

Wear your bathing suit as an outfit because there’s no air conditioning and your stomach deserves a little kiss from the sun.

Eat the juiciest stone fruits and citrus without a napkin in sight. Then jump into the lake before all the sugars make your hands, neck, and chest sticky.

Skinny dip. Dance. Sing. Yell at the top of your lungs. Run as fast as you can. Walk on the grass with bare feet. Make sand angels at the beach.

Write poetry for yourself and keep it a secret.

Make love in the afternoon.

Lounge in the backyard and read while you drink homemade iced tea sweetened with local honey.

Sleep under the stars. Pull the mattress outside if you need.

Continue being grateful for each and every day.
Savour this one precious life.


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