Lots of Recipes, Book Recs and Cheesy Movies

Lots of Recipes, Book Recs and Cheesy Movies


Hey, how are you?

How are you doing with staying home, social distancing and avoiding grocery store lines/reading the news without having an anxiety attack? For the most part, I’ve been enjoying my time off (that is after I had my own panic attack in the bath tub last Thursday night freaking out wondering if I would be losing my job) and actually really look forward to my after lunch walk with David. Although I’m thankful to be healthy, haven’t lost my job yet and am able to work from home at this point, it’s made me think about my life, slowing down and considering my health. I’m a workaholic who pretty much only think about work and that is my life!

For the past week, David and I have both been working from home but we have also made time for other things we don’t always have time for. We’ve dedicated more time to making new recipes including Kung Pao Chicken, family casseroles dishes and new pasta dishes but are also ordering take out to support our favorite local restaurants.

We spent a few hours weeding our backyard earlier this week and found a baby turtle, named him Raphael, took him back to the pond where he came from and check on him everyday while taking our afternoon walk. We color (and read magazines) while watching tv, play board games and work on puzzles that have been sitting in the closet for months, downloading lots of music and going through our streaming services watch list. The amount of books we’ve consumed in a week, well don’t worry I’ll link a few down below! We also plan on ordering books from some of our favorite independent bookstores! I joined an online writing group! Oh and we’ve been watching some real award winning films like Earth Girls Are Easy, Witchery, Timetrap and an excellent documentary all about Romantic Comedies, it’s literally called Romantic Comedy.

Most importantly, I love that I’m able to spend more time reconnecting with my partner. The afternoon walks, cooking, cleaning and weeding together and yet eight years later I still love the weird, crazy, passionate and serious conversations David and I have with each other. I’m not going to lie, my life has seemed to be on auto-pilot since we’ve moved in together and the fact our relationship is nearing a decade, it’s easy to get stuck in a routine. Sometimes it takes unfortunate situations to reevaluate what’s important and get out of that drone-like state.

Although this very scary thing is happening all over the world, these are the moments in which we reconnect with our humanity and reestablish a sense of community. The balcony singing in Italy, buying groceries for each other, taking care of one another, seeing the world come together to fight this thing is both scary and beautiful!

Here’s to more blog posts!

Blogs and Newsletters You Should Just Follow:

Dinner, A Love Story

View from the Mezzanine

(Old and new) Books I’ve Ordered:

My Body Is Not An Apology

The Upside of Being Down

Introvert Doodles

The Official Preppy Handbook

Salty Bitches, Lumberjanes and Nickelodeon Coloring Books

Make Up Detox and Rabbit Holes

Make Up Detox and Rabbit Holes

