

This year was filled with enjoying the small moments and setting some important dates.

January: Thankful I was not deathly ill like I was the previous January.

February to May: Since this year marks three years at my current library, I really stepped up my performance to work towards a supervisory role by my end of the year review. I received my first big state grant and worked a lot, like hundreds of hours to execute an Adulting Workshop for Teens. Sad but excited that my brother and his family were moving to New England.

June to August: In the midst of a crazy schedule of Summer Reading activities at the library and still working on my grant project, I was really feeling burnt out. Took a few day trips to the beach and took another couple of personal days and slept a lot. Tried to be better with meditation habits and morning routines. Realized how burn out I actually was and booked a trip to the East Coast for nine days.

September to October: Focused on finishing up my grant and really just counted down the days until my fall vacation. Finally started a podcast I had been working on for over a year. And finally booked our wedding date!

November: Spent nine days in New York and exploring New England and crossed off Connecticut and Rhode Island off my travel list. Spent time visiting my brother and his family which was obviously the best part of the trip. My nephew and niece are seriously the cutest. Leaving was so hard, I love my nephew and niece so much.

December: A calendar full of dinner dates with family and friends. Ordering our Christmas cards and drank lots wine.

To more trips and enjoying the wedding planning process!

A Trip to the Library

A Trip to the Library

Best Buys of 2021

Best Buys of 2021